Manage, recruit, share: managed service as a central value in the business world

The HR HOME company, as its name implies, is a home of human resources for leading companies in the fields of technology and high-tech in Israel. Thanks to a wide range of managed services and end-to-end business consulting, she records successes and proves that the sky is not the limit for her either. The labor […]

HRHome was chosen to lead the recruitment activity at NVIDIA

We are happy to announce that HRHome has been chosen to lead the expansion of the sourcing activity and accompanying the candidate experience at NVIDIA! Nvidia is one of the largest technology companies in the world, which in recent years ignited the artificial intelligence revolution affecting a variety of industries: from gaming, through autonomous vehicles, […]

Yoga India

When I lived in India back in 2004 the second time, the first was in 1994, my parents had a tutor helping me with some studies. The only thing that I remember, sorry parents, is that we started the session with a 10 min yogapractice.The tutor explained that your mind has to be calm before taking in […]


The fact that I was born in 1986 makes me a member of the Millennial Generation. Yep, the same generation that has been labeled lazy, impatient and narcissistic. I disagree with these labels, but whether or not you agree, one thing is for sure: everywhere I go, whether it be an HR weekly meeting, an […]

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